Move out of pain & get your vitality back.
“I feel more grounded.” “I’m more level-headed.” “This is unbelievable -- I didn't know I could feel this way.” These are common spontaneous reactions from people after taking group Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® classes with Uwe Mester.
Awareness Through Movement® classes consist of comfortable, easy movements that gradually evolve into movements of greater range and complexity. These precisely structured movement explorations involve thinking, sensing, moving, and imagining.
Uwe Mester, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM), graduated from his 4-year training in 2005 in Germany. He has over 18 years of teaching experience and will lead you in a personal process of “guided discovery.”
“Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health. Through this method we can learn to improve…not only physically but also emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.”