Discover the Integrated Relationship between your Back and Legs for Greater Mobility - Series part 2 ADVANCED (7 Lessons)

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Discover the Integrated Relationship between your Back and Legs for Greater Mobility - Series part 2 ADVANCED (7 Lessons)


Discover the Integrated Relationship between your Back and Legs for Greater Mobility - Advanced Lessons.

The 7 lessons in this series involve some more advanced movement explorations than the Basic lessons of this series. You will learn more about the inner & outer edges of your feet and how they related to movements in your legs into your back. Some of the positions are more challenging (for example lesson 3 asks you to be on your hands and knees) than the basic lessons.

Here is the list of lessons in this advanced series :

  1. Inner & Outer edges of the feet

    Discover the importance of the inner and outer edges for standing and walking

  2. Foot- Hip- Lower back connection

    Find out the interrelationship of the movement of your feet to the hip and your lower back

  3. Lowering the pelvis to the heels

    Improve the bending in your knee in an unusual position

  4. Finding propulsion & Shifting weight in your pelvis

    Discover how you transmit forces from your feet through your skeleton up to your head. Learn how to shift weight in your pelvis.

  5. Getting to know your hip joints

    Discover new movement possibilities in your hip joints and psoas muscles by exploring highly unhabitual movements

  6. Power of the Glutes

    Learn to intentionally contract and release the gluteal muscles

  7. Sliding one leg around the other

    A lesson in a side-lying position. You will learn how to slide one the upper leg and find flexion, extension and rotation in your back

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