Breathing and Balance Series part 2 ( 7 Lessons)
Breathing and Balance Series part 2 ( 7 Lessons)
Breathing and Balance (lesson 8-13) & one extra lesson
A Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® series, taught by Uwe Mester in March – May 2020
“What is the RIGHT way to breathe?” “How can I get more oxygen into my lungs?“ These are questions that often come up in my work with people. There is a lot of advice and books written about the right way to breathe. Also, multiple bodywork traditions promote very particular ways of breathing.
What makes these lessons different? Dr. Feldenkrais has explored the function of breathing through a variety of lessons. He does not promote a certain way of breathing, since breathing has to change and adapt all the time depending on the situation a person finds themself in.
In these 7 lessons (part 2 of the whole series), Uwe Mester will help you to improve how you breathe by becoming aware of the process. You will discover how to use your potential for a better, fuller breath in the natural way intended.
B&B08 Using breath to find ease in arms and shoulders
Restriction and tightness in the muscles of your shoulders and upper chest influence your breathing. In this lesson, we will explore how to reduce tension in our shoulders, arms, and neck.
B&B09 Discover how the lungs move in your chest
As we breath, the lung, with its protective layer (visceral pleura), slides within the parietal pleura of the chest wall. This lesson will help you to understand and sense the internal process that happens in your chest with every breath you take. Surprisingly, it also helps us find a lengthening through our spine.
B&B10 How do you hold your breath?
We all hold our breath, sometimes because of the situation, but even more so out of habit. In this lesson, you will work with different patterns of holding the breath at different phases in your breathing circle. This exploration will help you increase your awareness of when and how you hold your breath.
B&B11 Sensing your skeleton for easy breathing
Finding internal support is fundamental for any activity we want to pursue. This lesson will help you find this support and reduce unnecessary tension in your chest and back. Additionally, you will find the natural length through your spine. By doing so, your breathing will become easier and less effortful.
B&B12 Release your belly for breathing
How can you reduce holding patterns in your belly that limit your breathing? In this lesson, you will explore movement variations that will help you engage your belly in novel ways and let go of unnecessary effort in your abdomen.
B&B13 Discover your internal volume
This is the final lesson of the whole series. You will direct your attention towards finding four different breathing volumes in your chest & belly. The attention to these areas will help you become more aware about using volumes in order to have a full, easy breath.
Extra Lesson: Making the spine flexible and integrating it
This extra lesson will help you to become aware of the entire length of the spine in flexion and extension. You will be guided through different position to experience how the whole spine can participate in an action.