Dance from the Inside Out: Feldenkrais® and Dance
Are you looking to expand your movement repertoire and increase your awareness? Are you struggling to recover from an injury and seeking a gentle way to find relief? Are you curious about the Feldenkrais Method®, which many dancers highly recommend? If so, let’s explore this intriguing approach together!
Uwe Mester, a Certified Feldenkrais practitioner® with 20 years of experience, will lead this workshop at LinesVT. No prior Feldenkrais experience is necessary to participate. Please bring a mat or blanket and wear warm, comfortable clothing.
Location: Lines Vermont (Dance Studio), 10 Farrell Street, #6
South Burlington, VT 05403
Lines Vermont is conveniently located in South Burlington, VT, right off of 189 (take exit 13 off of Interstate 89). Free parking is available next to the building.
Time: Sunday, January 19, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Cost: $28
Registration: Please register with LinesVT