Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA)
FGNA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt professional organization that includes all Certified Feldenkrais practitioners® in North America. Only individuals trained by Dr. Feldenkrais or graduates of Guild Accredited Training Programs are eligible for FGNA certification and membership.
QOR360 is a company based in Vermont that designs and manufactures innovative ergonomic chairs focused on active sitting. Uwe Mester works as a consultant for QOR360.
Reliable News Sources in VT
In an age of disinformation, you need reliable & fair reporting. I find the following news sources to be excellent:
National Public Radio (NPR) is an independent, non-profit media organization that syndicates content to a network of over 1,000 public radio stations across the United States.
Vermont Public Radio (VPR), now known as Vermont Public, is a public broadcasting organization serving the state of Vermont.
VTDigger is an investigative online newspaper reporting news about the state of Vermont.
Front Porch Forum is a free community-building service in Vermont and parts of New York. Its goal is to help neighbors connect.
Seven Days is an independent weekly newspaper serving Vermont's alternative voice.