One of the ribs’ prime functions is to protect the heart and lungs; therefore, the term “rib cage” might make sense. But if you move your chest like a rigid cage, you constrain your abilities, which will influence everything you do! Most of the time, we are unaware of how vital our ribs are in bending, extension, turning, and side bending. Limitations in chest movement will affect breathing and increase strain on the neck and shoulders. They will also affect posture and the way you walk!
In German, we use the word “Brustkorb”—chest basket—to describe the area of our rib cage, suggesting a wealth of movement possibilities. In fact, the ribs are the only bones in the body that are flexible and somewhat elastic! And movement is the key to keeping them supple and versatile.
These lessons in the Feldenkrais series are a powerful tool to help you unlock the full potential of movement and mobility in your chest. Get ready to be amazed by what your body is capable of! This series will help you discover your own “Chest basket.” You will be amazed by the transformative effects these lessons can have on your entire being.
This new 10-week series starts Saturday, January 11th, at 10 am EST, with a repeat on Wednesdays (beginning Wednesday, January 15th) at 5 pm EST.
COST: The entire series (10 classes): $150
The whole series (10 classes) & Audio recording of each class: $200.
Single class: $20