Improve your Posture – A Series of Lessons
“Don’t slouch!” “Stand Up Straight!” “Pull your shoulders back!” These are a few commands that many of us have before in order to avoid “bad” posture. But even though we have tried hard to follow this advice, our posture has not improved much – often it has led us to think we have to lock ourselves into a static position.
Instead of being stuck in one posture, Moshe Feldenkrais had a very different idea about good posture and coined the expression “Acture.” The word “acture” expresses the idea of dynamic posture as a combination of posture and action. As human beings we need to be able to adapt our posture to different situations and to the environment we find ourselves in.
In this series of lessons, you will learn that you can move beyond your postural habits and have more options and therefore more choices.
You will discover that Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons have a much greater chance of being absorbed into daily life than commands like “stand up straight!”