Breathing and Balance Series part 1 ( 7 Lessons)

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Breathing and Balance Series part 1 ( 7 Lessons)


Breathing and Balance (the first 7 lessons)

A Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® series, taught by Uwe Mester in March – May 2020 

“What is the RIGHT way to breathe?”  “How can I get more oxygen into my lungs?“ These are questions that often come up in my work with people. There is a lot of advice and books written about the right way to breathe. Also, multiple bodywork traditions promote very particular ways of breathing.

What makes these lessons different? Dr. Feldenkrais has explored the function of breathing through a variety of lessons. He does not promote a certain way of breathing, since breathing has to change and adapt all the time depending on the situation a person finds themself in.

In these first 7 lessons (part 1 of the whole series) , Uwe Mester will help you to improve how you breathe by becoming aware of the process. You will discover how to use your potential for a better, fuller breath in the natural way intended.


B&B01 Expand your belly and find the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor and the diaphragm work as partners in the breathing process. By exploring paradoxical breathing patterns, you can become aware of this important relationship. This lesson includes explorations of your swallowing reflex.

B&B02 Clarify the diaphragm movement for a full breath

This lesson will help you become more aware of the relationship between the movements in your belly and your diaphragm. You will explore diaphragmatic breathing in order to become more efficient in your inhalation. 

B&B03 Engage your diaphragm

In this classic Feldenkrais lesson, you will become more aware of the movement of your diaphragm. The diaphragm acts like a piston between your thorax and your belly. To feel the movement of the diaphragm is not easy – however this lesson will help you to sense the action of this primary inspiratory muscle.

B&B04 Find your breathing rhythm

Every person has a personal rhythm to their breathing. In this lesson we will explore the timing and length of the four parts of breathing : Inhalation, Pause (apnea), Exhalation, Pause (apnea).

B&B05 Activate all areas of your chest for breathing

In this lesson you will direct your breathing into all areas of your rib cage. You will explore how gravity and novel movements help to stimulate the muscles attached to your chest to release and contract.

B&B06 Your outbreath and the relationship to feet

This lesson has two parts to it: In the first part, you will produce playful sounds to discover the space in your mouth, throat and neck. In the second part, you will discover how the playful movement of your ankles, feet and toes influence your breathing and the freedom for movement of your neck.

B&B07 Clear your nasal cavities and throat to find your voice.

For many people, the airflow through the nose and throat into our lungs is restricted. This lesson will help you to clear your nasal cavities and find ways to expand your throat. You will experience a fuller and longer exhalation with improved voice production.

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