Free your Jaw, Neck and Face (part B) - Series (5 lessons)
Free your Jaw, Neck and Face (part B) - Series (5 lessons)
This is the 2nd part of the Free your Jaw, Neck, and Face series.
To get the most out of this series you have already explored the lessons of the first part.
The positive results of this series will not depend on stretching or softening your muscles, but on improving the effectiveness with which the brain coordinates and controls movements in your face, neck, and jaw. You will restore flexibility and vitality in a safe, pleasurable process. This series will include lessons using a lot of the power of imagination.
01 Discovering the spaces inside the mouth & trunk
This lesson will help you to discover inner space in your mouth cavity & trunk. You will explore how delicate movements can have a profound effect on your breathing and feeling of calm.
02 Connecting the pelvis, head, and Jaw
The spine connects the pelvis with the head. Experience how small movements from the pelvis can be translated through your spine up to your head and Jaw.
03 Jaw circles in 3 planes
This lesson will explore the movement of the Jaw in the 3 cardinal planes (sagittal, frontal, and transverse). The complex movements will help you reduce habitual strain in the muscle that controls the function of the Jaw.
04 Exploring Inner spaces
In this lesson, you will discover the power of using your imagination. For many people, this lesson has a profound effect not only on their comfort but also on their overall sense of themselves. It is recommended to look at images of a human skull before this lesson
05 The cork and yawning
For this playful lesson, you will need a wine cork. You will also learn to open your mouth to its maximum – Yawning!