Oiling the Hip Joints - Series Advanced (8 Lessons)


Oiling the Hip Joints - Series Advanced (8 Lessons)


These advanced lessons are geared towards people that have experience with the Feldenkrais Method and don’t have trouble being in more challenging positions.

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Adv 01 Oiling hip series - Moving pelvis relative to legs

Adv 02 Oiling hip joints - Releasing the hips by holding the feet

Adv 03 Oiling Hip joint - Wiggle the tail

Adv 04 Oiling the Hip joints - Explore hip movements on your side

Adv 05 Oiling the Hip joints - Hip circles in 3 planes

Adv 06 Oiling the Hip joints - Deep folding and extension of the hips

Adv 07 Oiling the Hip joints - On the side, lifting the leg and straightening it

Adv 08 Oiling the Hip joints - Hold one foot and roll over side to sit